Although almost every kind of products are available through network marketing (MLM or multi-level marketing), there are some newcomers to the industry these days aside from the many cosmetics, vitamins, nutritional drinks, travel, long distance phone service, and other types of companies which already exist. Emergency preparedness and food storage companies have joined the area of MLM.
Network marketing or MLM allows people to own their own business for a nominal start up fee as compared to regular brick and mortar businesses. It also provides a compensation plan which pays the person for bringing others into the business to share in the work and the profits. The people in several lines downward or sideways may bring cash earnings to the person who brought them into the business. They earn money from the efforts of others instead of only on their own work.
During these bad economic times when many people throughout the world are suffering and with the natural disasters which are striking whole communities, people are seeing the value of emergency preparedness and food storage. As grocery store shelves become quickly depleted when a natural calamity hits, it becomes apparent that families would do well to be prepared with some basic essentials.
Some organizations and churches have long admonished their members to prepare themselves for emergencies and disasters. Indeed, the motto of the Boy Scouts of America is: "Be Prepared."
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which has received quite a lot of press in the past several years because of all the natural disasters such as Katrina which have hit the United States, recommends that people have enough food, water, and first aid for three days. If a natural disaster strikes, it usually takes at least three days before government and charitable aid is able to help sufficiently.
The bad economy has caused people to lose jobs and paychecks for long periods of time. Getting government or charitable help is not always easy or quick. Having a supply of food on hand (or food storage) can help alleviate the pain and suffering which can come. Companies which provide this service are now available in network marketing. Plans can be made through them to build up a food supply for emergencies by a small investment each month from the food budget. They are helping people to be prepared for whatever comes.
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