You know you need to put together an emergency preparedness kit but where do you start? How about a kit for your car to start off with. This way you at least have something to work with and you can build from there. You should make sure your spare tire is in good shape and has air in it, many times the spare will loose air over time leaving you with an under inflated danger.
Get a good flashlight so you can see if your changing a tire at night or you just need to look around. In addition to your spare get one of those canisters you can fill your flat tire with. This could be used if you are somewhere you don't want to spend time changing your tire at. Insert the cans contents into your flat and it should be enough to get you somewhere safer.
Definitely add a first-aid kit to your car. You can start with the basics like band-aids, ointments and such. Have some water bottles that you can keep in the car along with some snack food in case you are stranded somewhere. If it's winter and it's freezing add more blankets to your vehicle and spare jackets, leave these in the car till the weather warms up again. You don't want to break down along the roadside and freeze waiting for help.
Just think about your surroundings and where you mostly drive and do your preparations with that thought. You can never have too much stuff on hand when you are supplying your vehicle. If it was a backpack you have limited space to deal with.
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